Akfta Agreement Pdf

The AKFTA Agreement (ASEAN-Korea Free Trade Agreement) is a comprehensive trade agreement between ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and South Korea. The agreement has been in force since 1 January 2010 and has been instrumental in boosting trade and investment between the parties involved.

The AKFTA Agreement is a comprehensive document that comprises several chapters covering various aspects of trade and investment. The agreement aims to create a free trade area between ASEAN and South Korea, promoting the liberalization of trade in goods, services, and investment.

One of the most important benefits of the AKFTA Agreement is the elimination of tariffs on goods traded between the parties. South Korea and ASEAN have agreed to eliminate tariffs on 90% of their traded goods within 10 years of implementation of the agreement. This is a significant move towards promoting trade and investment and boosting economic growth in the region.

In addition to the elimination of tariffs, the AKFTA Agreement also includes provisions for the liberalization of trade in services. This includes measures to promote cooperation and facilitate the movement of people, goods, and services between ASEAN and South Korea. The agreement also provides for the protection of intellectual property rights and investment.

The AKFTA Agreement is a complex document that requires a detailed understanding of the legal terminology and jargon. The agreement is available in PDF format, which makes it easily accessible and searchable online. The PDF version of the agreement is also easily downloadable, making it convenient for researchers and analysts to access and study the provisions of the agreement.

In conclusion, the AKFTA Agreement is an important trade agreement that has been instrumental in promoting trade and investment between South Korea and ASEAN. The agreement has eliminated tariffs on 90% of traded goods, promoting the liberalization of trade and boosting economic growth in the region. The PDF version of the agreement is a valuable resource for researchers and analysts who require a detailed understanding of the provisions of the agreement.